Reading: Erica Meltzer's Ultimate Guide to SAT Reading
Writing: Erica Meltzer's Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar
Math: Dr Jang's SAT 800 Math Workbook, The College Panda's SAT Math
General (Reading + Writing + Math): SAT Official Guidebook by CollegeBoard + SAT Black book (has answers to test questions from the official book with detailed explanations)
Vocabulary Improvement [If needed]: Word Smart 1 & 2 (Just study the SAT hit parade section)
Khan Academy (FREE)
Free SAT resources (FREE)
Best Math Explanations (Paid)
20+ Official Practice Tests & REAL SAT questions
Strategies, Tips, Tricks
This channel has video explanation of each of the official practice tests & Some QAS tests
Study Plan
[Enriched with very helpful articles to improve reading comprehension]