How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People

How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People

Mar 6, 2021 08:41 AM
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Say everybody has desires. Desires are incremental improvements of life--today I want this, tomorrow I want that, etc. When you say you have a vision, you’re saying I have a larger desire. Desire is about me always but vision is an all-inclusive process.
Volunteering means willing to life. Your purest joy comes from the things you do willingly. However stupid or simple or idiotic activity it is, “I am doing something willingly” makes a world of difference. The difference between heaven and hell is this--you’re doing something willingly, that’s your heaven, and you’re doing something unwillingly, that’s your hell.
There are no good or bad people on earth, everybody is oscillating between the two. There are only joyful people and miserable people. If you create a pleasant, wonderful atmosphere, everybody behaves wonderfully. If you create an unpleasant atmosphere, a whole lot of people act nasty. The moment you think someone is bad and you’re good, you’re entitled to destroy the bad. And we’ve been destroying a whole lot of people for a long time, time to stop that. Human beings are in different levels of experience and understanding. Anybody who is not like you is a bad person?
You can’t say no to this, yes to that. You have to say yes and yes to life. When you become a volunteer, you’re a willing life. You’re so willing that you have no will of your own. How do you deal with all kinds of stupid people, doing this, posting that on social media? I say my life is not about them, it’s about me. It’s about how I am. It doesn’t matter how they are, that’s their choice. I didn’t give anyone the freedom to freak me out, get me angry, get me annoyed. These privileges I kept to myself. Because if somebody can decide what happens with you right now, isn’t that the ultimate slavery? What happens around you, you can’t always control, but what happens within you, must be your making.
If you need ideal people to work with you must go to heaven, and today. Because there are all kinds of people in the world. But if you think what you’re doing is significant, you must learn to work with all these horrible people. You have to work with volunteers even though most of them are not qualified for their job. This is how the world is. Sometimes you’ll see horrible people will do wonderful things.
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